Research Project Short Report CERN-MISiS. SPACAL Prototype

As part of the joint work on the modernization of the absorber of the LHCb calorimetric system, NUST MISiS is developing a technology of producing Lead based, Garth’s alloy absorber. This absorber is supposed to be used in the middle section of electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) in LHCb after upcoming luminosity upgrade of LHC, to replace existing “Shashlik” type calorimeter modules. Model calculations were carried out and the optimal design for the modules was selected. To simplify the design of the module, it was decided to use larger scintillation fibers (diameter 2 mm). This solution will not degrade the energy resolution due to maintaining the optimal ratio between the absorber and the scintillator. The next step is to test the prototype in an experiment at CERN, to assess its physical and mechanical properties, before, during and after the experiment. And gain statistics and data from the absorber to compare it to the previous simulation results. Experiment will also include assembling, disassembling of the module and mechanical processing of its parts. These steps will be carried out both at MISiS and CERN.

Figure — Energy resolution fibers of different diameters