Senior researchers

Andrey Golutvin

Professor Andrey Golutvin is Chair in Physics at Imperial College London. As an expert in particle physics working in the area for more than 30 years, he contributed or continues to contribute to a number of large international collaborations, including ARGUS (DESY) and LHCb (CERN), which he was heading in 2008-2011. Starting from 2013 Professor A. Golutvin is the spokesperson of the SHiP collaboration at CERN.

Andrey Ustyuzhanin

Dr. Andrey Ustyuzhanin is the head of Yandex-CERN joint projects as well as the head of Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis at NRU HSE. His team is the member of both LHCb and SHiP collaborations. The major priority of his research is the design of new Machine Learning methods and applying them to solutions of tough scientific enigmas thus improving the fundamental understanding of our world principles.

Nico Serra

Professor Nico Serra got his PhD in experimental particle physics from the University of Cagliari (Italy) in 2004. His research interests include measurements of Flavour Physics to search for New Physics, in particular data analysis with use of Machine Learning. He is member of the LHCb and SHiP collaborations and he has held various responsibility positions, including Physics Coordinator of the SHiP experiment.

Mikhail Dubinin

Professor Mikhail N. Dubinin. PhD in theoretical physics from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1983. Russian degree of doctor of science in physics and mathematics in 2003. Research interests: Higgs boson, top quark, extensions of the Standard Model, supersymmetry, inflationary cosmologies, electroweak phase transition in the early Universe, automatic calculations in high energy physics. Member of CompHEP collaboration from 1990 and CMS collaboration from 1997. List of publications and more detailed info, see

Eric van Herwijnen

Dr. Eric van Herwijnen obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Westfield College, University of London in 1982. He was a senior staff member at CERN from 1981-2020 as an applied physicist and is now a senior researcher at MISiS. He is a member of the LHCb and SHiP Collaborations. His interests are in hidden sector physics, detctor design and data analysis.

Natalia Polukhina

Professor Natalia Polukhina is leading expert of MISiS, head of Fundamental Particles Laboratory of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS. Her main scientific results, for example, include next items:
— a unique multi-purpose measuring complex PAVICOM was created and successfully operates, designed for high-tech processing of experimental data in nuclear physics, cosmic ray physics, physics high energies using emulsion and solid state detectors;
— in studies using PAVICOM tracks of galactic cosmic nuclei in olivine crystals from meteorites obtained a charge distribution of 21,743 nuclei with a charge of more than 40; three superheavy nuclei, the charge estimate of which is 119 + 10 -6, the minimum lifetime is tens of years. Core detection transfermium elements in nature confirms the validity of theoretical predictions about the existence of “Islands of stability”. She is currently head of MISiS group in LHCb experiment, member of the SHiP Collaboration at CERN and of the NEWSdm Collaboration at Gran Sasso.